A project for the 21st Century
This excellent local initiative adds benefit and value to all parts of the local community. The vision is to provide a much needed large multi purpose venue in the centre of the village, opening new opportunities for community gatherings and the local school, which has a ‘outstanding’ reputation. Finally, it provides a sustainable future for the parish church.
In the church is a pop up display with the architectural plans and drawings illustrating the proposed changes under consideration.
- Our Plan
- Space Trustees
- Raising Funds for Space
- About our Logo
Our Plan
Suckley is a scattered community of farms and hamlets with no central community hub. The Victorian church is large and in good order but was neither fit for purpose nor financial viable. It had no adequate heating nor running water and was filled with fixed pews. It is next to the school and within walking distance of a main residential area of this village where social isolation can be a real problem.
With flexible seating, the building has hosted a greater range of activities, like the BFG Festival (Beer, Food and Gifts) and a simple social area for use by visitors and school parents. By providing heating, toilet, kitchen and Community room etc., the space is more widely useful and will bring an income stream to keep the church alive.
Space Trustees
SPACE was formed to make the vision a reality. It is an enthusiastic team drawn from the whole village, including the church, the school, the parish council, the village hall and the wider community.
Liz Devenish Chair (Parish Council, church warden)
Heaton Goff Vice-chair (Parochial Church Council)
Diana Holloway Treasurer (School Governor, church treasurer)
Anne Lewis Vice-chair (Parish Council, church warden, Good Neighbour Scheme)
Richard Lewis Secretary (Parochial Church Council)
Susanna McFarlane (Parochial Church Council)
Anne Potter (School Governor, Vicar)
Peter Whatley (Chair Parish Council)
Hilary Pitt (Good Neighbour Scheme)
Raising Funds for Space
To date over £280,000 has been raised. To achieve all the work necessary to complete the vision for the building, a further £150,000 is required.
Visit our Events for more information on our future events.
About our Logo

S - shows two hop bines - hop growing is the major farming activity in Suckley.
P - space to be used by adjacent village school (as it is already).
A - the building with its underfloor heating, accessible toilet and kitchen and community room will offer multi-use for local organisations.
C - providing a venue for tots, teens and tea-drinkers!
E - church has superb acoustics as experienced by Julian Lloyd