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  • The Project
  • Consultation
  • Centre of the Community

The Project

The building work inside the church space, is being carried out in phases. Phase 1 – the underfloor heating and laying of a new oak floor has been completed. We have raised £65,000 for the installation of a kitchen and an accessible toilet and work is due to start at Easter 2022.


To date, over £280,000 has been raised and to complete the project, a further £150,000 will be required to complete the community project, to include the community room, audio visual equipment and upgrading paths leading to the building. To make the most of the new versatile floor in the Nave we have bought new


Following consultation with the community, school and Diocese Advisory Committee, the Chancellor of the Diocese has granted all the necessary permissions to carry out the changes within the church.

Centre of the Community

The building is well placed to become the heart of the community. The school next door now has the space needed for PE and parent/pupil gatherings  The toilet and kitchen now planned for Easter 2022, is vital for the safety of any activity in these times of Covid-concern, and will enable the Space and proposed community room to be available for wider village use.